Imaginale Design

via Time

I got soggy boots on and there's a nice warmth coming from under my desk thanks to my heater.

So .. how about I do something different today? I'm leaving to Texas to do more "wedding stuff" AND Christmas AND my brother is in town = I'm running around & really tired. Grab yourself a nice hot cup of cocoa and let's look at some pretty stuff.

Rain makes me want to do this SO SO badly! Anyone interested in playing in the rain with me?

I just bought this from Etsy to incorporate into my wedding invitation

WHEN did Dakota Fanning suddenly grow up?!

I changed my mind and actually asked this for Christmas instead :P

Speaking of.. You know what's ironic? My photography business is titled Imaginale Design (fusing Imagine with my nickname "Ale") because that describes my mindset -- my imagination is vivid. Then I went to Anthropoligie and almost cried when I smelled MY SMELL!! And guess what it's called? Imagine by Lollia !!! YES. Go to the store and smell this -- I promise you this is what I will smell like on my wedding day :) :)

I think I found my wedding SHOES! They're on sale too! Click on red ... MMM! Now that's Latin... Unfortunately, the 6 was still too big for me, so now I'm on the hunt for a 5 1/2....

Let's gain 10 pounds in the next hour trying these out, yeah? ;)

I died seeing this wedding: bottled coca-cola, Mexico, big flowers, lace --- oh my, oh my

Speaking of Coke -- I gotta run! Taking my brother to the World of Coke while he's here :)


P.s. I just finished The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. I LOVE fiction and need a new book for the Holidays. Any suggestions?
4 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    The next time it's raining, call me! I love being in the rain! Also, if you're looking for a heartwarming read, I highly recommend Mitch Albom's new book entitled "Have a Little Faith." Also, have you ever read "A Thousand Splendid Suns?" I think you would like that one too!

  2. Jenn Says:

    One of my best friends is the spokesperson for They are CONSTANTLY running great specials and almost always have a coupon code for shoes. There is an option to search for shoe size, color, style etc and they have a bunch of CUTE red shoes. There is also a tab that lets you watch a short video of someone walking in the shoes! I'm planning on wearing red shoes too. I'm thinking that these would be my ceremony shoes!

  3. Ellen -- you know, I heard of A Thousand Splendid Suns and have come so close to picking it up at the library but just never have. Maybe I will now!

    Jenn-- WOW! So many shoes! And the red ones you are considering are a combination of sexy and classy! Great choice :) Have you ever gone to ?! NEED to go if you haven't!

  4. YUM to that whipped cream. I now want some STAT! And your wedding shoes are lovely!