Imaginale Design
Don't you just love when you've done something for someone and they squeal with excitement? See, I'm weird in a way that sometimes I do and sometimes I'm slightly silent.

Example A) Getting my bangs cut!

I was so nervous! Mainly because I didn't want to look like a 3rd grader. Granted, I just turned 25 and I will never grow old of people thinking I'm 18 because if that equation continues... then that means I'll get to look 25 when I'm 35 -- holla!

Having just moved to Phoenix, I searched Yelp and found The Root hair salon. They got some AMAZING reviews and the price was very affordable -- $45 for wash, cut, AND blow dry. Considering they were the best reviewed, I made the appointment.


When she snipped away my hair and revealed the new bangs, I was... speechless. It was so new to me that I couldn't grip an emotion. I also did this when the fabulous Ren did my make up trial. I felt so bad because both of them asked "So what do you think?" and I was like ".. I.. I really like it" but my speechlessness betrayed me to appear "hesitant." Yeah, okay, I WAS a little hesitant about the bangs... but that's because I haven't had these since grade school. Though I've had the swoopy-bangs if that makes sense.

My point is that sometimes I'm overwhelmed with the change and can't just squeal with excitement right away, but I know what it's like to be on the other side too. I love doing someone's hair and having them gush "I LOVE this!" -- Who doesn't?! But it helps me realize that even the same person (me) can react differently yet STILL love the results. I went home and straightened my hair a little more to give it a modern look (rather than it being slightly curled under = too young). Then I started to really love it and get excited.

Here's the full length

If you're considering bangs, get ready for MAINTENANCE!! Cause these suckers don't do well when they're not controlled :) We're getting "humid" weather this month, so we'll see how much I love them then... ha.
2 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    I love them!! They are super cute!